Along with the storms, January in the Arctic Circle is also a time of reawakening and prosperity and we’re excited to share our emerging culinary adventures, restaurant and offerings ahead, welcoming you to our tiny, family run hotel and restaurant.
Today we’re sharing head chef Rich’s tasty sauerkraut recipe with beetroot and horseradish. Sauerkraut – or ‘surkål’ (literally meaning sour cabbage) as we call it in Norwegian – is the perfect pairing to many of the winter roasts we enjoy here.
Our plans for 2024 are ready to come alive and we look forward to welcoming you to our Arctic home. You can join us for guided hikes in the wild, eat in our seasonal restaurant and snuggle up in our new suites or traditional rorbu.
To deliver these magical experiences we are looking for talented and enthusiastic people to work with us here on “the edge of the world”.
Julenek is an old Norwegian tradition of hanging a sheaf of grain for the birds during Christmas & in the spirit of Julebord, a recipe for our version of Ribbe.